AmigaOS3.5 (688/967)

Date:21 May 2000 at 05:54:28
Subject:Re: AmigaMail Program


You wrote at 21-Mai-00 concerning "*[amigaOS3_5] AmigaMail Program*":

e> I give up!! Does any one on the group can help??? I have been
e> trying to configure the AmigaMail program part of Miami that comes
e> on the OS3.5 CD. It seems that I have try just about any
e> combination of the entries on the configuration file. I just can
e> get it to work. Thanks for the help reply.

If you have MUI, you should better use YAM for this purpose,
like the most of us ;-)

AmigaMail is IMHO no good choice.

If you don't have MUI, I suggest to install and register it, otherwise
you are renouncing some of the best programs your Amiga can offer you.

Regards, Armin

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